
Gathering the Boundary of …

Warning: This post is totally obscure. I've been doing a ton of work in Repast Simphony lately for a client project. The other day I was modeling some municipal regulatory body influence on my agents and realized that one of my data inputs doesn't come with a block group identifier (to tie it to …

AVERAGE(FILTER(B0:B30, B0:B30 > 0)) Is my “New Jam.”

Pictorian Offers A …

Pictorian Offers A Uniquely Designed Photo Storage App, Perfect For Your GIF Collection | TechCrunchOne of the members of the local NSCoder group built this awesome app: @clstr0ud

Revised Ext Model …

I posted the other day about Automated ExtJS Model Creation using Sequelize Model Definitions and while the code works really well it occurred to me later that I might want to also be able to create static model definitions (for stuff like UI components, menus and the like.) In order to achieve this …

Project Idea: Spigot

I have a huge project that I’m working on that involves a bunch of different folders and files nested in hierarchies of all sorts. It would be great if I could pull the spotlight comments from folders (which usually describe a set of tags related to the functions defined in the code enclosed …

Conditional migrations in …

I’m running SequelizeJS as my ORM for Enki. Recently I wanted to add a location field to tasks so users could “geolocate” the work items they were adding in world space. Click on a task and Sextant will zoom you to that point on the map where the work needs to be done. All you need …

Working with Asynchronous …

We’re building a fairly large framework of components for our new game Bedlam. As part of these web services contracts we need to be able to very rapidly fire off commands to the server to persist data, fetch status updates for user collision detection and a bunch of other stuff. We are using …

The Parable of …

The Parable of Mustache.jsIt seems like a rare thing to hear (or read) developers and maintainers speak candidly and with humility about things. I absolutely loved mustache.js when it was just a parser and I recommended it to more people than I can count. This is a really nice blog post to read. I …

Is this thing on?

The other day I got into a conversation on [the twitter] with the developer of the awesome looking (and quickly developing) Vox. I’m about done with sandbox games personally but I think it is fantastic watching my son play them. The conversation we were having was kicked off when he posted a …

[gallery] Brumhilde 02

[gallery] Brumhilde 01

[gallery] Collection of data visualization tools.

Cinder: Image distortion. (Source: https://www.

[gallery] A micro-project I’m working on.

When the baby cheesus decided to allow automated actions on computers; the KittenBob wept. This is known.

So if you’re running a Lint service against your code; are you engaging in the act of “Linting” or “De-linting?” You see, because you’re attempting to gain the approval of said lint-er; which makes the confuse. What say you?