
[gallery] Selfie - 03

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 11 Leftovers.

[gallery] Selfie - 02

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 10 Leftovers.

[gallery] Selfie - 01

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 09 The final form for this photograph. Very pleased with my results. Shown here with the original source image.

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 08 And now we’re getting to where I wanted to be.. Hope you’re enjoying these.

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 07 This “effect” isn’t at all what I was going for but it came out looking so nice that I kept a few of the results to post. The broad offset happens because I forgot to replace all the && with || in my sort evaluator.

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 06 Adding in a matte frame; don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner, it makes the piece look so much better.

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 05 Applying color using the median value of each chunk and then subtracting value as the pixel iterator moves over the image chunk. Neat.

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 04 Dealing with some weird offset in the sort evaluation that makes everything move up and to the right. These shots are a good demonstration of using larger sample sizes per chunk.

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 03

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 02

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 1 I started encapsulating my image chunking code into java classes to help reduce the amount of processing code I’m having to write. This allows me to do “pixel sorting” but at any dimension of pixel I want in an image. These are glitches, just starting …

[gallery] Form 10

[gallery] Form 09

[gallery] Form 08

[gallery] Form 07