
[gallery] Processing: Generative 69

[gallery] Processing: Generative 32

[gallery] Processing: Particles

[gallery] Processing: Generative 6

[gallery] Processing: Particles

[gallery] Processing: Particles

[gallery] Processing: Particles

Cinder: Image distortion. (Source: https://www. mutiny-pixelshift on Flickr. Constructed using Processing, this image is constructed by taking a source image and offsetting down-sampled pixels vertically based on the horizontal position. Animated for your amusements. (Source: http://www.

[gallery] Processing: Particles

[gallery] Just got my acceptance letter from Leap Motion! 100% excitement! @leapmotion Image built using glyphs on Flickr. Today’s Processing sketch, a bit late but I was busy. This one is a photograph processed to output text characters based on sampled pixel values. (Source: http://www.

[gallery] Processing: Downsample Dots Check out Robu3 for more processing goodness.

[gallery] Processing: Triangle recursion.

[gallery] Processing: Photo Distortion

[gallery] Processing: Box noise, grey.

Using an External Editor in Processing 2b7
Using an External Editor …

On MacOSX (and presumably other operating systems) choose Tools->Install “processing-java” within the PDE. Then in your ~/.vimrc add something like: au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pde set filetype=java nnoremap <F5> :w<CR> :! processing-java --sketch=$PWD/ …

[gallery] Processing: Sprials