
[gallery] Processing: Agitated lines.

[gallery] Processing: Cellular automata applied to image.

[gallery] Processing: Cellular automata, applied to image 3.

[gallery] adamferriss: Cellular seed Mashup of code from Jeff Thompson and Alex Simes

[gallery] Processing: Incidental geometrics 2.

[gallery] Processing: Cellular automata applied to image 2.

[gallery] Processing: Incidental geometrics.

[gallery] robuuuu: Drawing an image using straight lines of varying width and the average color of a vertical run of pixels. Up on flickr:

[gallery] Processing: Progressive isolated color shift 2.

[gallery] Processing: Cellular Automata to displace color channels. Using the same (or similar) algorithm I developed for the black and white automata; this series uses as the base map[s] the R, G, B color channels from a source image and the simulation runs for approximately 15-20 seconds at 1FPS …

[gallery] Processing: Progressive isolated color shift 1.

[gallery] Processing: Cellular Automata (Thanks to @robu3 for the idea to look into this.)

[gallery] Processing: Offset color channels with median blur.

[gallery] Processing: City planning.

[gallery] Processing: Subdivision squares, elongated support.

[gallery] Processing: Subdivision squares, offset.

[gallery] Processing: Interconnected vertices. (also, post 600.)

[gallery] Processing: Noise, blue and green.