
Conspiracy to commit …

Conspiracy to commit journalism » PressthinkUntangling the feelings and facts about this new world we’ve allowed ourselves to be a part of is difficult. Because I can empathize with the people that we begged to protect us after 9/11 I can absolutely understand the path we took to get this far in …

Consumer group fights new …

Consumer group fights new games legislationGaming advocacy group the Entertainment Consumers Association has called on its members to contact Congress in an effort to resist S. 134, also known as the Violent Content Research Act. In a letter… Opportunistic and ignorant legislation is killing …

Triangulating On Truth - …

Triangulating On Truth - The Totalitarian StateThe Guardian breaks a big story yesterday - a court document authorizing the FBI and NSA to secretly collect customer phone records. All of them, for all Verizon customers. Then today the Washingto… Probably the only time outside of dining choices …

Secret NSA spying: how …

Secret NSA spying: how can it be stopped?The US National Security Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been secretly spying on millions of Verizon wireless customers in the US for at least several months — and… As Kafka as it gets in the US.

How would we find out if there is significant Samsung money behind these Apple Tax hearings?

The GOP’s latest tactic …

The GOP’s latest tactic to undermine Obamacare.wilwheaton: Because handing Obama a political defeat is more important to these jackholes than helping the uninsured people who live in their states when they get sick. Don’t you think that this is all going to come out in the wash during the next …

Justice Department drops …

Justice Department drops Goldman financial crisis probewilwheaton: So I read this, and I got mad: Does not compute.

…Yes, such a policy reversal would cost money. But refusing to spend that money is foolish and shortsighted even in purely fiscal terms. Remember, the young aren’t just America’s future; they’re the future of the tax base, too.… < p>Paul Krugman, The New York Times, “Wasting Our Minds.”

[gallery] therealkatiewest: SOPA, also known as the Protect IP Act, or the Internet Blacklist Legislation is starting to be discussed by the US government today. Basically, what the bill does, is give permission for companies who feel their copyright has somehow been infringed upon to file a …

“You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn’t black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing. “You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don’t care what you think. I’m trying to do the right thing. “I’m tired of …

GOP House Judiciary votes …

iheartchaos: Mommy, I’m scared now.