
[gallery] Dang Germany. Tell me how you really feel.

[gallery] Mood Board 1.3.2 Is on it’s way!

[gallery] Mood Board has been selling like crazy lately and I’m nearly at a new milestone for sales that should result in me starting work on version 1.4 which has a vendetta-style list of changes to item selection, position control, scaling and rotation. I’ve also been itching to …

Mood Board 1.3 Released

Mood Board 1.3 ReleasedI’ve released version 1.3 of Mood Board via the Mac App Store. Go Buy a Copy

Get Help with Creating …

Get Help with Creating Great Mood Boards - URBANFORT Corp. Independent Software DevelopmentI added a new thing to the UF website this morning for Mood Board. Go Check it out!

A Failure to Communicate …

A Failure to Communicate with SceneKit - URBANFORT Corp. Independent Software DevelopmentI’m kind of bummed that so much research time went into invalidating SceneKit as a viable option for a desktop application but there you have it. TLDR; if you’re thinking of using SceneKit for anything robust or …

[gallery] And Badoosh! Mood Board 1.2 goes to the App Store for Approval! Here’s a link to the product page official And here’s a hit-list of the awesome stuff I just built for you that’s coming later this week: (Fixed) There was a layer sorting issue that I wasn’t aware of …

Mood Board Gets Clippy - …

Mood Board Gets Clippy - URBANFORT Corp. Independent Software DevelopmentI’ve posted an update with a sneaky peek of a new feature brewing at the fort for Mood Board. Check it out at the link above!

[gallery] Mood Board Update I just spent the weekend working on nothing but Mood Board. It’s an application that helps you quickly put together concept documentation for creative projects like jewelry, paintings, illustration, concept art, weddings and pretty much any kind of project where …

On Bad Reviews

I’ve kind of got a reputation for being a little cerebral. I tend to overthink things to the point of exhaustion. It’s made maintaining friendships difficult for pretty much my entire life. So when I get a negative review on something I’ve created, this process starts, like some …

[gallery] This is a screenshot of the Graphics and Design category in the Mac App Store. Highlited above is my app “Mood Board.” A creative tool for assembling quick collages of images for use in creative projects. I am in the top 50 apps right now! This has me feeling really excited …

Mood Board Beta 7
Mood Board Beta 7

I had a really productive work session today despite doing the LD48 this weekend. I was able to carve out around 7 hours straight working on Mood Board. As I get closer to the “MVP” candidate that I’m hoping to release as version 1.0 I am getting more excited. In addition to the …

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Writing code this morning I pulled issue #34 out of bitbucket and cracked open XCode. Yesterday I pushed a huge release to the excellent and well-dressed beta team for Mood Board which leaves me with very few cases before (what I had previously deemed would be the minimum viable product) is …

It’s taken me a really long time but I’m finally getting my shit together and focusing on producing a quality Mac application. The idea is a relatively simple one and the market size for the app is probably small but I think it’s worth it. The way that I’m producing this …

Howdy folks! If you’re a Mac user and you are interested in helping out to beta-test some software head on over to my tiny letter page and sign up to join my mail list where we’ll be discussing available betas among other things relevant to giving you early access to cool stuff. Thanks …