
[gallery] Chupacabra is an exploration game. I made it in 48 hours! Here’s a link to the Ludum Dare Submission

[gallery] I’ve successfully completed my LD48 #27 entry. If you’re interested in checking it out (I think it’s pretty cool) you can find it at the Ludum Dare Site I need to remember next time I do a compo like this that you really can’t take time to work on subtle stuff. You …


[gallery] MEGA FRIENDSHIP BATTLE ELEVATOR About 50% done. Going to sleep.

[gallery] You play “The Kid.” The Kid has issues. You will be unhappy. Everyone dies.

[gallery] Well. I made it! I completed my first Ludum Dare competition. I’m exhausted, I have a crap-ton of notes for a follow up and I will be posting that soon (but probably not tonight.) Actinium the Wrought 2777 Lines of Code 26 Polygonal models 15 Audio files 19 Images … In 48 …

See if you can spot …

See if you can spot what’s different.

[gallery] Actinium the Wrought aka. Cavedude.

Go Forth and Slay with …

Go Forth and Slay with ImmunityKnow this. You are immune to all forms of attack except map shearing.

Another Work-In-Progress …

Another Work-In-Progress Build LinkNow with character action and a more decked-out map.

And a Demo

And a DemoA demo build of Actinium as it stands right now. Hit the Map button to generate a map, sorry you’ll have to reload the page to build a new one. Need to get some rest for a couple hours.

[gallery] This one on the other hand is showing some progress. I’ve implemented procedural level generation for my combat maps. This means that each time you play the game it should be different. Just using solid blocks for now but will be implemented textures as soon as I can figure out how …

[gallery] A work-in-progress screenshot of my game in development for Ludum Dare 24. Not much to look at.

Ludum Dare 24 - Evolution

The theme for my first Ludum Dare is “Evolution.” Apparently this theme has been present in the last 10 theme slaughters but only now has it been voted up enough to actually be the theme for the contest. I’ve spent the last 80 minutes coming up with my concept. I’m trying to …

[gallery] I bred hipsters. Also, in other news, I’m doing the Ludum Dare #24 compo this weekend. Might want to start un-following now if you’re not interested in video game creation.