Indie-Game-Devs Super … Super Galaxy Squadron is a modern SHMUP that’s heavy on the retroYou know we sell a SHMUP too right?

[gallery] Chupacabra is an exploration game. I made it in 48 hours! Here’s a link to the Ludum Dare Submission

[gallery] Updates for the game building tools (for Bedlam) Layer Selection Interface Ability to hide layers Example Chunk browser UI Ability to automatically track whatever layer you are on and only show you data relevant to that layer. Added ability to reorganize layers. Added ability to remove …

I received my IGDA Professional membership card in the mail. It is a small piece of laminated plastic. The borders of it are slightly rough and it has the stickum on the back signifying that it is still new. Seeing this reflection, a physical manifestation of my intent to pursue independent game …

SLIME! @gamedev (Source: https://www.

[gallery] I’ve successfully completed my LD48 #27 entry. If you’re interested in checking it out (I think it’s pretty cool) you can find it at the Ludum Dare Site I need to remember next time I do a compo like this that you really can’t take time to work on subtle stuff. You …

[gallery] MEGA FRIENDSHIP BATTLE ELEVATOR About 50% done. Going to sleep.

The Word of Notch: So …

The Word of Notch: So that’s what I’m going to do.You should do whatever makes you happy. Life is way too short for the other thing.

5734L3R.5N4K3 Is The …

5734L3R.5N4K3 Is The Closest You’ll Get To 5734L3R For Now - Indie StatikBut maybe there’s a hidden secret within that will tease 5734L3R! It’s possible, isn’t it? You never know! Better play 5734L3R.5N4K3 and eat and survive for as long as you can to see if there’s anything hidden. That would …

Bring Revolution 60 to PC …

Bring Revolution 60 to PC and Mac!Revolution 60 is Heavy Rain meets Mass Effect with an all-girl cast, made with the Unreal engine. One choice changes everything. Back It! via @spacekatgal

[gallery] Stop whatever you’re doing right now and go check out Stealer on Moddb. This game looks amazing; and the audio is like being sucked through a time vacuum back to 1982.