
[gallery] Everyone likes games right? What if you could win access to games that you’d otherwise have to pay for on Steam/Humble Store etc simply by signing up for a really low-frequency (not sent very often) newsletter about indie games and other indie software? theLEAK is exactly that kind …

No Cookies | Herald Sun

No Cookies | Herald SunThanks to @RaveofRavendale for the link. It really seems to me like there are so many other factors at play here: Geography, Social Norms, Political/Economic status that aren’t talked about much in the article. Can this really be true?

Tug: A Space Trucker's …

Tug: A Space Trucker’s Odyssey on sale at IndieGameStandTug is now available on IndieGameStand completely DRM Free. Go buy a copy for Mac or Windows at - tell your friends about it and reblog this message.

When I look out here and see of all your smiling faces, I realize that games aren’t just experiences or services, they’re almost, really, a religion. And by this comment I don’t mean to insult religion,” he said before poking a little fun at the “Reddit atheism army. …

[gallery] Comic Book Bad Guys : by Andry Rajoelina / Blog / Tumblr Can you imagine a video game done with characters in this style? I can.

[gallery] Don’t you just hate it when the bossman goes to the press and tells folks that the work his team is doing (in comparison to the older shittier version) is just great? Why wouldn’t the improvement in the quality of output be related more to the fact that the team has built three …

[gallery] This is so deliciously bad-ass. Karateka

[gallery] Hey everyone - the game that I’ve been working on part time for the last six months is up on Kongregate. Go Play! Please register and rate the game. Elementus