
Tower of Guns DevBlog: …

Tower of Guns DevBlog: Man…I think the magnesium citrate was the worst thing in that drink..blankslatejoe: Today I: -modeled, rigged Mine-layer turret, Energy turret, and fast repeater turret. -fixed bug in landmine code. -added turret override in projectile code for bouncing -added turret …

[gallery] evilfruitvandal: Looks awesome.

[gallery] misterkeith: It’s official. Resonate was approved for AlphaFunding/Beta Testing/Release on the Desura platform! You can’t find it on the store just yet, I’m going over the contract and stuff. But know that this is a first step of many to get this game out and in the hands of you guys. …

140 Looks pretty fabulous. (Source: https://player.

[gallery] Work in progress “Namco Style” box art for Tug

Badass JavaScript: …

Badass JavaScript: Voxel.js: A Minecraft-like Block Based Game Engine Using Three.js, WebGL and Nodebadassjs: Max Ogden and James Halliday (probably better known as substack on the internets) have been working on voxel.js, which is a block based game engine for the browser built with three.js, …

[gallery] Hey Everyone! Go play games for free! Help support us in our bid to win the inaugural Indie Speed Run! Three weeks ago, a call went out to all design monkeys and code jockeys: Put together a team of four and see if you can build a game using two randomly selected words as your core …