
[gallery] I worked my butt off this weekend on my new game “Elyxir” which should be available for purchase in the iOS and Apple TV app stores this week. Elyxir is a match-3 style puzzle game with endless play that allows you to make potions while you play that radically change the game. …

@the_swampcow and I were talking today and he wondered how to get this done in UE4. So I made a thing. Enjoy of it. (Source: https://www.

In an amazing turn of events I got an especially fantastic email yesterday. After almost two years in the queue, Tug: A Space Truckers Odyssey has finally been Greenlit!! Link to Steam Greenlight Page for TUG: A Space Trucker’s Odyssey We’ll be updating the Mutiny blog with more …

[gallery] So this just happened.

Using Blueprints in …

Using Blueprints in Unreal Engine 4Finely crafted software for the discerning client. Gosh, I feel famous.

The Flare Path: Devoted …

The Flare Path: Devoted To Dovetail | Rock, Paper, ShotgunI guess I told you somebody would be, soon. @hay

[gallery] mutinygames turned 2 today!

[gallery] Chupacabra is an exploration game. I made it in 48 hours! Here’s a link to the Ludum Dare Submission

Outcast Reboot HD headed …

Outcast Reboot HD headed to Kickstarter this weekOutcast is coming back, with a team of the cult favourite’s original developers at Fresh3D working on an HD reboot. A Kickstarter to fund Outcast Reboot HD will launch at 5:00PM CET today. The team at Fresh3D acquired the rights to Outcast from Atar… …

Conditional migrations in …

I’m running SequelizeJS as my ORM for Enki. Recently I wanted to add a location field to tasks so users could “geolocate” the work items they were adding in world space. Click on a task and Sextant will zoom you to that point on the map where the work needs to be done. All you need …

Working with Asynchronous …

We’re building a fairly large framework of components for our new game Bedlam. As part of these web services contracts we need to be able to very rapidly fire off commands to the server to persist data, fetch status updates for user collision detection and a bunch of other stuff. We are using …

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the …

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch has sold over 1.1M - DestructoidThis is such a great game if you have a PS3. I absolutely love the way they reworked the combat system to be a mix of turn-based random encounters and real-time button-mashing. The story is engaging (although I wish that they’d …

[gallery] Bedlam Update 2014030902 I’ve reduced the workflow in Enki to taking raw images as input for the various height-maps and other informative structures required for initializing a world build. This made a lot more sense than trying to constantly generate procedural content at the …


I updated the Bitfune tile generation page slash write-up. You can now hit “Play” to configure the calculator to show you all possible values of tile combinations while you relax in your own home. Clicking on the center (total) display brings up a prompt so you can enter whatever number …

[gallery] A little code sample for auto-tiling bit-shifted sprites to make repeating tiles less boring.

[gallery] In a surprising turn of events we decided to start streaming data from the Enki server into our chunk renderer. The result is above which, I realize looks an awful lot like the earlier mesh data, but I can assure you it’s not. Pretty soon we’re going to be working on data …

[gallery] Works on PC. Can you tell?

[gallery] Geoff made a really good point. Requiring the user to keep clicking to cycle through tile art is dumb. I knew I could do better so I sat down this morning and crafted the new “Chooser” palette. Once you’ve assigned a tile set to a layer, whenever you have the paint tool …