
[gallery] Brumhilde 14

[gallery] Brumhilde 13

[gallery] Brumhilde 12

[gallery] Brumhilde 11

[gallery] Brumhilde 10

[gallery] Brumhilde 09

[gallery] Brumhilde 08

[gallery] Brumhilde 07

[gallery] Brumhilde 06

[gallery] Brumhilde 05

[gallery] Brumhilde 04

[gallery] Brumhilde 03

I’m going to see if I can’t knock a paint can into the incinerator and set the whole building ablaze. Another type of programming.

Mongo Shovel

Mongo ShovelYou need to shovel some flat files in to your mongod? Mongo shovel can shovel all night long. Because mongoimport is somewhat limited in the types of flat files it can load.

[gallery] Processing: Image cache feedback. image via commons

[gallery] Processing: Image cache feedback. image via commons

[gallery] Processing: Edge finding, edge glow. image via commons This is one of the image effects that was on the list I prepared earlier last month, decided to knock it out today because Robuuuu went to donate.

[gallery] Processing: Pixel sort, random values