
AVERAGE(FILTER(B0:B30, B0:B30 > 0)) Is my “New Jam.”

Revised Ext Model …

I posted the other day about Automated ExtJS Model Creation using Sequelize Model Definitions and while the code works really well it occurred to me later that I might want to also be able to create static model definitions (for stuff like UI components, menus and the like.) In order to achieve this …

Working with Asynchronous …

We’re building a fairly large framework of components for our new game Bedlam. As part of these web services contracts we need to be able to very rapidly fire off commands to the server to persist data, fetch status updates for user collision detection and a bunch of other stuff. We are using …

[gallery] Brumhilde 02

[gallery] Processing: Image cache feedback. image via commons

[gallery] Processing: Image cache feedback. image via commons

[gallery] Processing: Edge finding, edge glow. image via commons This is one of the image effects that was on the list I prepared earlier last month, decided to knock it out today because Robuuuu went to donate.

[gallery] Processing: Pixel sort, random values

[gallery] Processing: Pixel sort, random values

[gallery] Processing: Predictable placement.

[gallery] Processing: Pixel sort, random values.

[gallery] Processing: Pixel sort, random values

[gallery] Processing: Pixel sort, random values.

[gallery] Processing: Pixel sorting with value displacement. image via commons

[gallery] Processing: Attraction Simulation with ellipse. Still unstable but a lot better using less stringent targeting. This simulation ran for around 3 minutes and still hadn’t settled; I’m guessing it would take a lot longer.

[gallery] Processing: Overlayed squares, color velocity. Crazy code-filled night tonight. This didn’t turn out the way I wanted but it’s still pretty interesting to look at. Enjoy.

[gallery] Processing: Attraction simulation with ellipse. Each circle represents a node with an interest score to which other nodes are attracted. Like-sized nodes attempt to combine, all nodes repel each other. Still unstable.