
Report Claims 12.9-Inch …

Report Claims 12.9-Inch iPad May Adopt Integrated iOS/OS X Operating SystemNo.

How would we find out if there is significant Samsung money behind these Apple Tax hearings?

Apple Accepts A Hand Up

Apple Accepts A Hand UpThis kind of policy could fix just about everything that’s wrong with iOS today. See also this gigaom piece that gets a bit more specific about the problems Apple needs to solve.

[gallery] Designers like to change things. Get over it.

[gallery] The take by @gruber is that the commercials are meant to assuage doubts of switchers and let folks know that if they do come to the Mac; Apple is here to help. I think the larger point and purpose (if you look at the subtext particularly of the child-birth ad) is that Apple (and her …

[gallery] Cormac finally on iBooks - Fan-freaking-tastic! Blood Meridian is definitely in my top 5 all times.