The AMERICAN Sandwiches

| Nov 7, 2010 min read

The following sandwich is a first iteration of a tribute to the American culture.


2lb Ribeye
1lb Bacon
1 Red Onion (Not Pictured)
4oz Bleu Cheese Crumble
1 Tablespoon Horseradish
1 Tablespoon Yellow Mustard
1 Small loaf sourdough bread
2 Large Eggs
Salt and Pepper

This sandwich is meant to be eaten warm however; the only thing of any real importance is that the eggs come directly out of the frying pan onto the sandwich; the meat cuts better cold.


Fry your bacon in a teflon pan (easier for cleaning) and make sure that you hang on to your bacon grease. We use an 18oz. pickle jar for our reserve and we never run out completely (unless we’re making cookies.) Drain your bacon on a plate with some paper towel on top and set aside.


Heat a cast iron pan on your range. If appropriately seasoned you won’t need any oil or non-stick spray. When the pan is tempered toss in your ribeye and sear both sides for about 3 minutes each side. While this is going on; turn on your oven to preheat to 350º

After your six minutes of searing are done; throw the pan into the oven (make sure you’re using a cast iron pan or you can say goodbye to your plastic pan handle as well as your ribeye.) Cook in the oven according to your preference but frankly if you even pretend to be a patriot you’re going to cook a 2lb ribeye at 350º for about 11 minutes and the shit will still be mooing. (Or that might be the national anthem you’re hearing.)

Remove the steak from the oven and make sure that the inner temperature reaches at least 120º - the thermometer says that rare beef is good at 140º but I’ve done this six times now and I’ve been fine, albeit a tad sleepy after consumption.

If you can resist the urge to eat the steak now; throw it on a plate and into the fridge for an hour to cool. It will be far easier to cut this way.


Mix your horseradish and your mustard together to make a sauce while you’re waiting, dip pretzels in result and make more. You’ll need at least 2 tablespoons for dressing.


After the hour is up, cut the steak by starting at the flat end (the end opposite the tip) and make cuts at about a 35º angle. The meat will cut just like a brisket. You will eat pieces that come off a bit too thin. You’ll want it cut to approximately an eighth of an inch or narrower (appropriate for sandwiches.)


Once the meat is cut; fry up your eggs. I like them sunny-side up but some folks can’t get down with the hollandaise texture. Your call. (Shown here with hard-fried eggs.)


Split your bread loaf down the middle length wise; and sprinkly bleu cheese crumble to cover both halfs. Place in oven on broil until cheese is foaming, remove from oven.


Line first with steak slices, then bacon. If you’re down with red onions, those can go on wherever they fit. Cover bacon with eggs and drizzle mustard sauce on top. Place facing bun on top and cut in cross-sections to serve. Small loaf feeds four people from France (or two Americans.)


Eats best with a pilsner or heffewaisen (if sunny outside.) Stouts are also nice depending on the weather (cloudy and otherwise shitty.)

The American (Panorama) from Urbanfort on Vimeo.

The American Sandwiches

I’d love to see any riffs off of this sandwich if you decide to make it; or really I’d love to hear about any other sandwiches folks make regularly, or irregularly as the case may be. I’m only interested in non-theoretical sandwiches at this point; no vaporware pls.
