| Oct 24, 2013 min read

That tumblr still hasn’t implemented regular comment-threading on post notes is what’s shameful. Tublme is an “okay” app right now. It looks a lot better than it runs. What you normally want from a desktop app that fronts a web service like Tumblr is a lot of bean-counting. I want to be able to mass-schedule posts, using a calendar to drag and drop, I want it to integrate with a bunch of other things on my computer (like being able to post from the command line.) I think that this space is ripe for a $40 blog management app that focuses specifically on Tumblr and WP.com - MarsEdit comes really close to being the ultimate solution but there are still a few features that it’s missing that Tublme has already. My glob I hate that app name. I think that it will eventually be worth $10 - right now I’d say it’s probably worth $5