| Aug 13, 2014 min read



Geeking Out with Comic Book Sculptors @shiflettbros

For more photos of stunning creatures from the world of fantasy and comics, follow @shiflettbros on Instagram.

“Sculpt what you love” has been the life-long philosophy of artists Jarrod and Brandon Shiflett (@shiflettbros)—and the self-described “comic book nerds” are making their living doing just that.

“Jarrod and I started sculpting about 20 years ago because of a mutual love of comic books,” says Brandon. “We wanted to see our favorite comic book characters in three dimensions.”

The Texas brothers’ joint Instagram account showcases some of the most impressive pieces in their collection, ranging from favorite comics characters to many of their own fantastical creations.

“Comics are huge in scope, and we felt like they try to say some really profound things about the human struggle,” says Jarrod. “These stories are modern day myths and legends for us.”