
[gallery] No substitute.

[gallery] philnoto: Jean Grey and Scott Summers 1968

[gallery] I fail for dogphoto.

[gallery] therealkatiewest: SOPA, also known as the Protect IP Act, or the Internet Blacklist Legislation is starting to be discussed by the US government today. Basically, what the bill does, is give permission for companies who feel their copyright has somehow been infringed upon to file a …

What is with these …

I work. I work a lot. I work to ridiculous values of lot. Because I work constantly and without rest I’m always talking to people on Skype instead of in person. When I’m speaking to someone on Skype I want to pretend that this person has my undivided attention. Today, like any other day; …

Video Game Update

corgisandboobs: I am now a werewolf in Skyrim. This has been a video game update. I was wondering about that; I kind of left that, “We’ll just leave that quest right here for a minute.” Un-Vampiring yourself was the longest quest in Oblivion other than the Oblivion quest, …

Heineken and oatmeal raisin cookies go amazingly well together.

[gallery] post#philnoto{ reblog: always !important; }

[gallery] Hahaha… MakeMoreBulls.MakeMoreBulls.

If you are an Eccleston …

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;”

[gallery] File under stupid safari tricks (command+shift+?)


kalloblog: » Open ZBrush. … ….. …. » Stare at the empty screen for 30 minutes. …… …. ….. I really need a fucking life incase of a massive art block.

Website Coming Soon -
Website Coming Soon - …

wicked-lace: We’ve been working around clock to get the new website up and running. We promise you ti will be worth the wait. Please sign up for our newsletter, follow us on twitter and Facebook and we will reward you with a nice little coupon the day we go live. We promise to make it extra special …

[gallery] barackobama: Yep.

[gallery] The shape of things undone. (Taken with instagram)

[gallery] The notorious aqua-skareton (Taken with instagram)

[gallery] Zombie storm trooper batman. (Taken with instagram)

“It has been a listen to korn all motherfucking day kind of day” kind of day. 12/6 pls.