
[gallery] Sissy (Taken with instagram)

[gallery] Unf (Taken with instagram)

[gallery] It’s all about beaners. (Taken with instagram)

Totally wishing I’d done ludum dare. Going to NY tomorrow. :/

So if you’re running a Lint service against your code; are you engaging in the act of “Linting” or “De-linting?” You see, because you’re attempting to gain the approval of said lint-er; which makes the confuse. What say you?

Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?

So a friend of mine needed help converting some files today. His client shared the files using this fucking monstrosity of a service called “Sendspace.” I mean, just look at this “user interface” would you? I clicked on three different “Download” links before I …

Shut up and consume.
Shut up and consume.

I really enjoyed Avatar when I saw it at IMAX. I went with my dad to what was then the first movie-theater movie he’d seen in 30 years. It was unbelievably cool to watch him get overwhelmed with the big screen and the 3d effect; his girlish nervousness before the movie started waiting in the …

Tomorrow is a boring …

Now that we’ve seen passage of SOPA and NDAA it is pretty simple to imagine what the “World of Tomorrow” looks like. If you’re an aspiring comedian you can forget about using a model of viral growth to gain your fame. If you have a publisher or producer they’ll get the …

[gallery] taitems: I’ve just pushed some pretty hefty changes to the jQuery.Gantt project I’ve been developing with lately. I tried some other Gantt libraries, but they were either dependant upon ExtJS, no longer maintained or just didn’t play nicely with my pre-existing code. I settled on …

I Work For The Internet

I Work For The Internet

[gallery] Pie (Taken with instagram)

[gallery] calliean: Somebody wake me when it’s over.

[gallery] ckburch: Hi everyone. Just reblogging this as a bit of a signal boost. I told you I’d wait at least 48 hours. The synopsis: During a routine mission in orbit of the Sun, the crew of the IRC Icarus brings an alien artifact on board to study and experiment. One by one they find themselves …

The Icarus Void is out …

The Icarus Void is out now.ckburch: My first novel has finally, officially been published. Currently only available at Smashwords, it’s priced at $1.99 and is available in all ereader formats. For those of you who are new, here’s the synopsis: During a routine mission in orbit of the Sun, the crew …

[gallery] Let’s make a video game! (Taken with instagram)

Well it is either modo fever; or fever and modo for me. Can’t sleep either way.

Today I am thankful for Slipknot… and the Pixies.

I should really go get coffee. Going to be a ridiculously long night.