
Khoi Vinh nails it.

Khoi Vinh nails it.

[gallery] Windows fail at the gym. (Taken with instagram)

[gallery] Yeah, so - on the whole I’d say I’m killing it.


[gallery] Anatomy of Hope

[gallery] The pugilist.

[gallery] Sunday. Stabilized.

[gallery] Sunday. Sunday.

[gallery] Taste the Waste

[gallery] Home.

[gallery] World of learning.

[gallery] Long day.

The best part of Mass Effect 3 on the 360 is the having to log in twice. Thanks EA! Origin really blows.


Moron. … it’s within the scope of my own limited imagination … Well hey, at least we can agree on one thing.

Goodbye, Gizmodo.

There was kind of a big event today. I’m a technologist by trade so naturally I was interested in hearing about the goings-on as they were happening. This meant pulling up a few live-blogging feeds from the event from the normal news sources. I’ve been “reading” Gizmodo for …


[gallery] maniacalrage: It’s Just Like the Irish Always Say (More CS Crash Reports)

Neven Mrgan's tumbl: …

Neven Mrgan’s tumbl: Growing iCloudTotal agreement. mrgan: I wouldn’t mind paying for storage. However, if Apple does this, I hope they keep it simple: just let me pay in one place to get more iCloud instead of having to maintain separate payment plans for iCloud, iTunes Match, Photo Stream, …