
[gallery] Let the Karp PR Machine commence! Seriously, does anyone else get the sense that they are “making moves?”

Generating Projects with …

There’s a bit of a mix-up at Sencha lately with regards to their platform tools. I had to do some digging this morning to figure out that if you’re building a SenchaTouch 2.x application; you’ll need This Package instead of Sencha SDK Tools After downloading the sencha cmd stuff …

Friends don’t let friends host their shit.

All the best ones are used.

[gallery] Steve is here.

Some people like Episode I, Get Over It.

[gallery] Now Watching The Ward

[gallery] Righteous.

And Now for Something Completely Different
And Now for Something …

10 years ago my friend Mike Botkin and I were having a conversation over a couple of beers about what it might take to get a production company off the ground. We had all kinds of interests back then, making documentaries on commission, making video games and yes, building websites. We had a list of …

Using "Merit" in Your CRB …

I don’t normally post about work related subjects. It’s just not something that I do. Lately we’ve been doing a lot of organizing around process at work (I work in Healthcare IT) specifically as it relates to product development. A few days ago and idea came to me during a call …

[gallery] On Meeting Henry Rollins I don’t think I’ve ever stood close to, or met any person of fame before last night. It is human nature to invent magical details about these people, to idolize them and imbue their existence with spiritual properties beyond possibility. Last night I …

GigaOm: BitBucket?

GigaOm: BitBucket?I like Bit Bucket a lot. I use it for all of my personal projects. I tend to think of GitHub as the place for stuff that can be open-source; whereas BitBucket is just me and a small team of trusted individuals. I don’t pay for an account yet, but I’m sure it’s …


[gallery] mollycrabapple: In which the Agence France Presse shoots my OWS arrest, and somehow makes the lulziest photo for a macro. Needs cape, fog machine, soundtrack

[gallery] onethingwell: Mention is a client for with live updating and search. See also MoApp Appetizer

My New Application

I’ve written an application. I think it’s pretty cool. It allows me to do something that I was doing periodically during the day that would take around 50 minutes; compressing it to around 10. This application runs on the Mac, and while it would probably make a nice mobile app, I …


jackscoresby: Molly Crabapple was arrested in NYC during an OWS march. Which, based on all previously obtained knowledge about Molly Crabapple, OWS, and the police, means in my opinion that this is complete and utter bullshit.

Day 260 - Integrating New HUD
Day 260 - Integrating New …

Looks pretty good but you might consider using a wood grain more along the lines of: Up the “juicy” factor just a tad.