
Sometimes you read posts on your Dash and you’re like, man, I should totally say something to that person… Then cold logic sets in as you realize how much of a dork you actually are and nothing you have to say is going to be interesting to anyone ever. I should really get on that before Tumblr …

hierophanthistorian: Neil Gaiman on the Open Rights Group, an organisation working for digital rights and freedoms. (Source: https://www.

[gallery] jessicakex: THE BEST Instant reblog.

The GOP’s latest tactic …

The GOP’s latest tactic to undermine Obamacare.wilwheaton: Because handing Obama a political defeat is more important to these jackholes than helping the uninsured people who live in their states when they get sick. Don’t you think that this is all going to come out in the wash during the next …


WindowsI love Dave Winer for lots of reasons. Sense is chief among them.

[gallery] Adonit Create stylus pen got kind of crummy reviews a while back on The Verge but I’ll try any stylus once. via Juxtapoz

[gallery] Comic Book Bad Guys : by Andry Rajoelina / Blog / Tumblr Can you imagine a video game done with characters in this style? I can.

[gallery] Big sale over at Eat 3d - I mean, you guys know Christmas is coming right? Ahem. cough Just sayin. Get some. via Polycount

[gallery] Don’t you just hate it when the bossman goes to the press and tells folks that the work his team is doing (in comparison to the older shittier version) is just great? Why wouldn’t the improvement in the quality of output be related more to the fact that the team has built three …


Gitlabonethingwell: Self-hosted git management with a web-based UI, issue tracking, merge requests and code browsing, powered by Gitolite.

EQUINOX: Holy Shit, …

EQUINOX: Holy Shit, Tumblrckburch: I’ve been out of the house all day, taking care of parenting stuff, taking care of my ex-wife (she had dental surgery and it was a day), so when I come home to my internet, kids tucked in bed, I thought it was very kind to find two messages in my inbox from people …

[gallery] This is so deliciously bad-ass. Karateka

[gallery] jakestpeter: Best Buy Returns #halo4 (at Best Buy)

[gallery] Banner day for entertainment anyway. ParaNorman is out in general release. Woot!

I just unsubscribed from the Papa John’s email newsletter. Politics taste like shit on any pizza no matter how fresh.

[gallery] How to Destroy Angels New album is out. Go and to be purchasing immediates.

Apple Accepts A Hand Up

Apple Accepts A Hand UpThis kind of policy could fix just about everything that’s wrong with iOS today. See also this gigaom piece that gets a bit more specific about the problems Apple needs to solve.

Field Notes.

Why doesn’t Field Notes Brand make a mobile application?