
[gallery] Processing: Particles

This is so completely badass, why aren’t you reading “Gun Machine” right now? (Source: https://www.

[gallery] Just got my acceptance letter from Leap Motion! 100% excitement! @leapmotion

Between Gods and …

ckburch: Written by CK Burch James Rand still remembered the injections. He’d been sedated, yet awakened by the tempered rush of hot steel entering his veins; his body had slept on while he’d experienced everything. The procedure itself was a long time past, yet frighteningly present and close, like … Image built using glyphs on Flickr. Today’s Processing sketch, a bit late but I was busy. This one is a photograph processed to output text characters based on sampled pixel values. (Source: http://www.

[gallery] Gotta catch'em all.

Processing: Color Channel Luminance Correlations (Source: https://player.

[gallery] Processing: Downsample Dots Check out Robu3 for more processing goodness.

[gallery] McRib.

[gallery] Processing: Triangle recursion.

The Conversation: …

The Conversation: Functional Programming Concepts

[gallery] Processing: Photo Distortion

[gallery] Processing: Box noise, grey.

Using an External Editor in Processing 2b7
Using an External Editor …

On MacOSX (and presumably other operating systems) choose Tools->Install “processing-java” within the PDE. Then in your ~/.vimrc add something like: au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pde set filetype=java nnoremap <F5> :w<CR> :! processing-java --sketch=$PWD/ …


holderonethingwell: Holder uses the canvas element and the data URI scheme to render image placeholders entirely in browser. Include holder.js, then add placeholders like so: <img data-src="holder.js/200x200/text:hello world"> Via The Changelog. See also

[gallery] Processing: Sprials

Gun Machine is a novel that never stops to draw breath. It’s a monster of a book, bowel-looseningly scary in places, darkly uproarious in others, and remorseless as the killer who hunts in its pages. Ellis never disappoints, but this is particularly good, even by the high standards of a Warren Ellis …

Basehold.itonethingwell: A quick, painless, javascript-free baseline overlay. For, e.g., a 24px baseline grid, just add the relevant stylesheet: <link rel="stylesheet" href="">