
[gallery] Lizard Monster Sculpt, a set on Flickr. Work in progress of the lizardman sculpt.

All house, no letter.

[gallery] Processing: Particles

[gallery] Processing: Generative 6

thisisgunmachine: An excerpt from the Gun Machine audiobook, which is read by Reg E. Cathey.

Obama for America: This …

Obama for America: This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Looking For barackobama: The official White House response to a petition to secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016: By Paul Shawcross The Administration shares your desire for job creation …

15 lb. of sculpey acquired.

[gallery] To my followers that have already clicked-through and played Nott and Dagr or any of the other speed run games; THANK YOU! To those of you that haven’t yet had a chance to play and rate the games on the ISR site - FOR SHAME! Seriously though, please reblog this post if you can find …

[gallery] Processing: Particles

[gallery] Dear Followers, please take a moment and check this post out. Help support us in our bid to win the inaugural Indie Speed Run! Three weeks ago, a call went out to all design monkeys and code jockeys: Put together a team of four and see if you can build a game using two randomly selected …

[gallery] Processing: Particles

[gallery] Nest thermostat.

[gallery] Processing: Particles

Cinder: Image distortion. (Source: https://www.

[gallery] Hey Everyone! Go play games for free! Help support us in our bid to win the inaugural Indie Speed Run! Three weeks ago, a call went out to all design monkeys and code jockeys: Put together a team of four and see if you can build a game using two randomly selected words as your core …

[gallery] Help support us in our bid to win the inaugural Indie Speed Run! Three weeks ago, a call went out to all design monkeys and code jockeys: Put together a team of four and see if you can build a game using two randomly selected words as your core concepts… in 48 hours. We answered …


JOSH: Okay, now type “!cd %:p:h” and hit enter. ME: …. ME: It’s not working. JOSH: What did it output? ME: Some garbage, it doesn’t work. You suck. JOSH: If you just… ME: FUUUUU… ME: Typed it wrong. JOSH: Next time just copy/paste. Loser. mutiny-pixelshift on Flickr. Constructed using Processing, this image is constructed by taking a source image and offsetting down-sampled pixels vertically based on the horizontal position. Animated for your amusements. (Source: http://www.