
[gallery] Processing: Attraction Simulation with ellipse. Still unstable but a lot better using less stringent targeting. This simulation ran for around 3 minutes and still hadn’t settled; I’m guessing it would take a lot longer.

[gallery] Processing: Overlayed squares, color velocity. Crazy code-filled night tonight. This didn’t turn out the way I wanted but it’s still pretty interesting to look at. Enjoy.

[gallery] Processing: Attraction simulation with ellipse. Each circle represents a node with an interest score to which other nodes are attracted. Like-sized nodes attempt to combine, all nodes repel each other. Still unstable.

[gallery] robuuuu: Cellular automata using randomly generated colors. Empty cells grow based on the number of live neighbors and can spontaneously evolve if not surrounded by any living cells. Colors for grown cells are an average of all neighboring live cells.

Pixies on repeat + Processing == hooha Friday Night!

[gallery] There’s something that Kurt Vonnegut says in his Rules for Writing, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this? I read it a few years ago. Look this up because I think you’ll like it, it’s sarcastic, written in his voice, who knows if he even wrote it. It’s ‘never let people feel like …

Protip: Morrissey makes it hurt more.

[gallery] Processing: Graded rectangles.

[gallery] modo: Tug hangar (product page graphics.)

[gallery] Processing: Color chip sorting (additionals.) image via commons Each chip is scored based on it’s internal channel variation and then sorted before rendering.

[gallery] Processing: Color chip sorting. image via commons

Burn whatever you cannot use.

Some people have silly names in the #illustrators tag. I need a hoodie stat. Processing tonight I think after a quick client build. Or maybe more modo. Or maybe both.

[gallery] Adobe Updater Lies.

reuben-thomas: Working on a project I’m calling the Black Sun Granulator. The Black Sun is a Danish natural phenomenon wherein thousands of starlings form black shapes against the sky. This flocking demo is not quite as impressive, but the name seemed fitting. At some point this app will control a …

A friend in need.

A friend in need.corgisandboobs: jennibrown-ben-plumm: My roommate has let me borrow her computer for a few minutes and I thought I would drop in and give you all an update. Everything sucks. A lot. My gym membership came out of my account before I was expecting it, sending my account into …

Vicious for Xcode

Vicious for Xcode Vicious for Xcode adds Vi functionality to Xcode. Many of the traditional Vi commands work exactly as you would expect them to do.

[gallery] Collection of data visualization tools.