
Unexpected Gifts

Unexpected Gifts

[gallery] That part that you’re really super comfortable with, yeah, don’t do that for a while. Instead do the thing you can’t stand. Linework. I’m doing a #tinychallenges in December. You can too!

TBH: I just died a little bit from that last post of yours.

dayumshecangetit: I need this knife This touches my soul. (Source: http://dayumshecangetit.

[gallery] The first half of the challenge went pretty well. I’ve met my goal every day so far and I’m really optimistic about the remainder. The day before the challenge started I made a quick list of stuff that I thought might be problematic, or get in the way of me being able to …

Why I Slack

Why I Slack #4 On #dailychallenge on Leadership, we post a daily question on the topic of leadership. The point? Give the humans a daily reason to come and converse. After running #dailychallenge for a few weeks, I handed off the baton to an active participant on the channel. Now, each week, a new …

[gallery] The realization that I’ve never really tried to draw anything “sci-fi.” I’m doing a #tinychallenges in December. You can too!

[gallery] If I were smart I’d set aside some time to put together a list of sketch topics and plan a better distribution method. If I were smart. I’m doing a #tinychallenges in December. You can too!

[gallery] I sat down at my desk this morning and almost started working first-thing. It’s doubly tempting because this week is sure to be extremely busy and there’s a lot of anxiety in front of completing my daily sketch. I’ve spoken about it before, the idea that the blank page is a kind of …

(Source: https://www.

[gallery] Saturday sketch! I’m doing a #tinychallenges in December. You can too!

[gallery] From the road #2 I’m doing a [#tinychallenges]( in December. You can too!

[gallery] From the road. I’m doing a #tinychallenges in December. You can too!

Oh my goodness send all the messages to everyone!

[gallery] Another one for the schnozfile. I’m doing a #tinychallenges in December. You can too!

heyitsdrey: grxviter: Where can I download this What in the actual fuck This is just fantastic. (Source: http://heyitsdrey.

[gallery] Today was supposed to be a hard day. I’ve taken steps. I keep a huge catalog of images clipped from the internet. I even wrote an application that helps me keep track of all of it in a sensible way. Todays sketch is pulled from this bin and it’s an interpretation of the Thomas Dicksee …

[gallery] Few things in this world are as terrifying as a blank sheet of paper. You sit there looking at this wall of anti-thought digging for a groove or irregularity in the surface of the pulp fibers. Nothing happens, there’s no magic spark, there’s just a grand canyon between you and making the …