
[gallery] Processing: Power (188) Image from Commons

[gallery] Processing: Power (174) Image from Commons

[gallery] Processing: Power (162) Image from Commons

[gallery] merlin: How many Saturdays do you get? Just banging around some ideas for a possible Back to Work topic. Here’s how many Saturdays you get… In the average US lifetime: 4078 With a 5-year-old kid: 3111 This week: 1 Once you’re dead: 0 A silly and unforgivably mawkish topic, to be sure. But, …

Les Mis is so fucking good.

[gallery] Processing: Power (150) Image from Commons

[gallery] Processing: Power (148) Image from Commons

[gallery] Processing: Power (136) Image from Commons

[gallery] Processing: Power (124) Image from Commons


The Obstacle is the Path …

The Obstacle is the Path : zenhabits

wilwheaton: I just realized that I’ve been using Tumblr for so long, I remember when the radar was a way to discover awesome blogs and not some incredibly obnoxious animated gif advertising bullshit I don’t care about. Oddly enough, I’ve found two or three movies that I didn’t know about …

[gallery] Processing: Power (112) Image from Commons

Do Developers Need Free …

Do Developers Need Free Perks to Thrive? - DatamationCutting back on perks may seem like a smart business move—until developers start leaving the company.

[gallery] How-01 on Flickr. Processing: How (01) Prepared as a response to a request for a breakdown of how I do this thing. (More to come.)

therealkatiewest: A difficulty with the internet is that no one can see how much you need them in any given moment. 

Octopodes: "Microsoft …

Octopodes: “Microsoft will not allow independent developers to self-publish their games on Xbox One”tingham: caramelzappa: More on point, you’re right that MS can do what they want with their own platform and that XBLIG probably wasn’t very profitable. They can do what they want, but …

[gallery] Processing: Power (101) Image from Commons