
[gallery] The best thing about late night guacamole… you get to put as much as you want on each chip.

I’ll tell you what brother. You go ahead and take care of making sure all the i’s have their dots and everything is in it’s right place. I’m going to go over there to that mass of tangled weeds and hack at it with the machete of my creative ferocity until it looks like …

Juxtapoz Magazine - …

Juxtapoz Magazine - Lindsey Kustusch @ STUDIO Gallery, SFBay area artist, Lindsey Kustusch, is having her second solo show this month at STUDIO Gallery in San Francisco. Over 35 pieces of new work, including…

What If We Understood

What If We UnderstoodWhat if we understood how the technology industry is perceived? the implications of perfect corporate buses transporting a small slice of the neighborhood to a campus far away? that onsite haircuts, meals, dentists, massages, and coffee results in the loss of thousands of …

[gallery] robuuuu: A collage-like piece generated using some Delaunay-triangulation code I wrote previously. The generated triangles average the color of the pixels contained inside them and then fill themselves with that color. Compare to the original image: …

paris2london: Lumineers (Source: https://www.

We love HTML5 games - …

We love HTML5 games - LudeiAnother HTML5 Game Engine to get involved in.

[gallery] Drive 02

Triangulating On Truth - …

Triangulating On Truth - The Totalitarian StateThe Guardian breaks a big story yesterday - a court document authorizing the FBI and NSA to secretly collect customer phone records. All of them, for all Verizon customers. Then today the Washingto… Probably the only time outside of dining choices …

[gallery] ckburch: With great pride, I get to introduce the cover to my next novel: Equinox I: Between Gods and Monsters, illustrated by Casey Burch. If those two figures on the cover look familiar — the characters being Captain Brynn Herris and Falcon Lieutenant James Rand — there’s a reason for …

[gallery] Drive 01

(Source: https://www.

Secret NSA spying: how …

Secret NSA spying: how can it be stopped?The US National Security Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been secretly spying on millions of Verizon wireless customers in the US for at least several months — and… As Kafka as it gets in the US.

Game 'studio from hell' …

Game ‘studio from hell’ outed by whistle-blowersNotoriously, game development involves long hours, high-pressure deadlines and demanding, inexperienced bosses. But a new investigation by Kotaku has revealed allegations of bullying, sexism and… Fore shame.

Understanding App Store …

Understanding App Store Pricing — Part 1At C‡ingleton [sic.] and NSConference this year I spoke at length about App Store pricing and offered an analysis of the trends, problems, concerns, and recommendations for how to navigate these waters as a developer. At the urging of Craig Hockenberry , I … Looks intriguing.

The way things are supposed to work is that we’re supposed to know virtually everything about what they do: that’s why they’re called public servants. They’re supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that’s why we’re called private individuals. This dynamic - the hallmark of a healthy …

[gallery] Sometimes you eat the bear. And sometimes, that bear, well, she eats you.