
[gallery] I ain’t afraid of no shrub.

[gallery] Superstar

Jimmy Wales breaks …

Jimmy Wales breaks Wikipedia rules in hunt for SnowdenWikipedia’s notorious co-founder, Jimmy Wales, has launched an investigation to determine if any of the pseudonyms who edit the world’s biggest encyclopedia are Egomaniac

[gallery] wired: For Bitmaker Labs, the trouble started with a flattering newspaper profile. In April, Canada’s Globe & Mail ran a piece on the Toronto-based hacker school, calling it “an intense program for programmers” and saying that founder Matt Grey is “dedicated to changing the world.” Two …

Top NES Video Games Quiz …

Top NES Video Games Quiz | JetPunk Quizzes and TriviaIGN made a list of the top 100 Nintendo games of all time. Name as many as you can.

[gallery] Before

[gallery] After.

[gallery] mutinygames: Just wanted to give some love to a great artist and good friend of mine, Terry Wolfinger. The guy’s been crushing it for over twenty years. Check out his blog here. This guy’s work is fantastic!

[gallery] bharal: As a sort of ‘prequel’ to the last post, here’s some concept art for the first of the two games, The Suffering. These were done by artist Terry Wolfinger while he was working at Stan Winston Studios. Such a lucky dude! Via Wolfinger’s Wall and WolfieArtGuy on DeviantArt (He’s …

Here is a simple rule. If your mail list replies to “noreply” you can probably go ahead and keep your shitty marketing push.

What happened to John …

What happened to John MarstonHuman Angle: Finding John Marston? Human Angle: Finding John Marston? Los Angeles was never in Wiethoff’s plan, and acting… Polygon is absolutely killing their competition right now. Best game related article I’ve ever seen.

Use constitutes consent. The assertion of our times. Twitter / mollycrabapple: The phones in the #GTMO pressroom have a sticker saying “this telephone is subject to monitering at all times. Use constitutes conset” (via deltamualpha)

I utterly defy you to convince me Resident Evil 6 nearly selling six million copies yet still failing to meet expectations could be blamed upon the used game market. When you’re selling that much, and still failing to make investors happy, something is fundamentally wrong with the process of …

[gallery] therealkatiewest: This is Kal-El and he was saved today by @j_r_blackwell. But he needs a home! If you’re in the Philly area and would like to be the proud adoptive parent(s) to this handsome boy, get in touch with @j_r_blackwell! #cats #philadelphia #rescuecat #catofsteel #supercat

EGO: So Tom, what did you do for Father’s Day? ID: Completely rewrote Gridus

“The Last of Us” is pretty much the equivalent of David Gordon Green making a video game.

[gallery] Dog bed.

Hi Tingham, I want to …

The tutorials section on are really the best place to start whether you’re familiar with traditional programming concepts or not. They start out really simple and grow to extend functionality as you’re learning. Once you’ve gone through three or four of those …