
[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 08 And now we’re getting to where I wanted to be.. Hope you’re enjoying these.

Quantcast Numbers

I really wish that Tumblr would start charging a nominal monthly fee for premium features or something. I would love to see better queue management tools, better analytics and maybe even more robust writing tools. Ads are dumb. It’s certain that Tumblr usage hasn’t declined by a factor …


StarMade: MINECRAFT EVE ONLINE | Rock, Paper, ShotgunStarMade is a minecraft inspired 3D sandbox space shooter. Next up we’ll see a minecraft inspired 3d sandbox space shooter, I’m sure of it. :)

[gallery] Just wrapped up an awesome new feature for Gridus - Go buy a copy! Upgrades including the new feature will be free.

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 07 This “effect” isn’t at all what I was going for but it came out looking so nice that I kept a few of the results to post. The broad offset happens because I forgot to replace all the && with || in my sort evaluator.

Kind of getting excited for this. (Source: https://www.

Why god… why!!! Dark Souls FPS Mod. (Source: https://www.

Sonic the Hedgehog Remade in Dizzying First Person View (Source: https://www.

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 06 Adding in a matte frame; don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner, it makes the piece look so much better.

Everyone Has to Make …

Everyone Has to Make Their First Game - Giant BombEnrique and Paul Dryere had never made a video game before. In college, they decided to change that. Five years later, they have Ring Runner to show for it.

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 05 Applying color using the median value of each chunk and then subtracting value as the pixel iterator moves over the image chunk. Neat.

Shutting down a game …

Shutting down a game ‘poisons the ocean’When developers shut down a game, they “poison the ocean” for committed players, according to Playdom’s senior game designer, Greg Costikyan. Speaking at Casual Connect in San Francisco today,… Two things: You can’t refer to any segment of …

Being Indie

In an oddly-worded and overly-obvious twist of a personal-info-styled update: I’m going indie full-time. Last Wednesday was my last day with The team I worked with in Richmond was absolutely fantastic, some of the best people I’ve ever written on whiteboards with, they …

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 04 Dealing with some weird offset in the sort evaluation that makes everything move up and to the right. These shots are a good demonstration of using larger sample sizes per chunk.

ABA Criticizes …

ABA Criticizes President’s Choice of Venue for Jobs Speech | American Booksellers AssociationBig fish, or Biggest fish?

Bring Revolution 60 to PC …

Bring Revolution 60 to PC and Mac!Revolution 60 is Heavy Rain meets Mass Effect with an all-girl cast, made with the Unreal engine. One choice changes everything. Back It! via @spacekatgal

[gallery] Mud Puddles - Set 03


3DTin3D Modelling for everyone This is unbelievable.