
Painting on image stacks with an offset UV map (by luxology) I had no idea that this was possible. (Source: https://www.

Why is it that I still can’t maintain a login to Steam on both my Mac and my PC at the same time?

eagleyegaming: Shoot’em up meets tower defense in TUG, where you Pilot your space freighter through hostile territory. (Source: https://www.

Check out the (Let’s Play) video for my game Tug from Eagleye Gaming! (Source: https://www.

amup / christophe lepot

amup / christophe lepotProcessing and pixel sorting stuff. Pretty fabulous.

[gallery] robuuuu: A spiral visualization for my Jawbone Up data: each day is a point on the spiral, with the points closest to the center being the most recent. Color indicates activity and size indicates the number of hours slept on that day. The full interactive visualization and source code are … acquires … acquires Total Annihilation and Master of Orion, the developer/publisher behind World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Warships, acquired the intellectual property for Total Annihilation and Master of Orion in the recent… Would love to see a new Master of …

Consumer group fights new …

Consumer group fights new games legislationGaming advocacy group the Entertainment Consumers Association has called on its members to contact Congress in an effort to resist S. 134, also known as the Violent Content Research Act. In a letter… Opportunistic and ignorant legislation is killing …

mollycrabapple: Talking about “It Don’t Gitmo Better Than This” in HuffPo Live (Source: http://embed.

American Hustle Get into my eye-holes pronto. (Source: https://www. - The … - The Weblog Minecraft, FTL, Terraria, Amnesia devs to help judge Indie Speed Run ‘13, now openWe participated in the ISR last year and we got an honorable mention for “Best Premise.” Totally fired up for this year’s, and I’m loving the idea of “Danger Dice”

Sorry For Hating, But …

Sorry For Hating, But Legends of Dawn Is Atrocious - Indie StatikHonestly, with nearly $50,000 of free money from Kickstarter, you would think that the developers would have put a little more time into this. You would be wrong. Legends of Dawn is a goddamn disaster. Is it wrong that I want to play …

Outcast creators unveil …

Outcast creators unveil new studio, working on next-gen titleThe creators of Outcast, the Windows PC adventure game released in 1999, revealed their new studio called Daoka and its plans to release a new game on next-gen consoles. Daoka is the merger of AMA… Outcast is one of my favorite games of …

[gallery] Selfie - 04

[gallery] Gridus 1.3 was just sent to the Mac App Store for approval. Cool new features incoming!


Working with App …

Writing process automation software on the Mac has been something I’ve always been interested in. Basically you set up a working folder somewhere that you drop files in to and then your application does a bunch of crazy stuff to the file along a specific workflow chain. Recently I had the … You don’t have to understand everything. No one does!