
[gallery] Adobe… you are slowly draining every ounce of good will I have left for you. The above screenshot is taken this morning when I sit down to start working in MODO and the Adobe CC starts up. Not only is this annoying always-updated creative cloud crap obtrusive by not allowing me to remove …

Waking Amy Demo by Martian Media Inc. - Indie PC Gameplay Recording HD (by t0fus0up) (Source: https://www.

You Can Go Further

You Can Go FurtherIf you aren’t following Ctrl+Paint, for shame. A question you need to be asking yourself with every painting is “how far can I push this?

Shell Company Related To …

Shell Company Related To Cowardly Patent Troll, Nathan Myhrvold’s Intellectual Ventures, Forced To Settle Frivolous Lawsuit Against One-Man Business After Law Firm Donates Nearly $200,000 Worth Of Defense – Marco.orgOn a bed of hundred dollar bills I’m sure Marco.

Attract new customers …

Attract new customers with local ads on the Google Maps app - Inside AdWordsEnjoy that Android phone that you bought because it was more configurable.

»Kickin It with: Waking Amy (Kickstarter Spotlight) w/ FedoraG4mer (by FedoraG4mer) (Source: https://www.

[gallery] I just joined the @igda - Am I a real game developer yet?

So and so said… oh really… well I can’t believe that… why didn’t you just… OMG!

Omni, reboot: an iconic …

Omni, reboot: an iconic sci-fi magazine goes back to the futureIn 1998, classic science fiction magazine Omni closed up shop. Created in 1978 by Penthouse mogul Bob Guccione and partner Kathy Keeton, it had published some of the biggest names in science… SQUEEEEEE!!

Crazy that Terry Goodkind has another book coming out.

eagleyegaming: Teslagrad will get you hooked. If not for his visual style, then atleast for his electromachnetic puzzles. (Source: https://www.

(Source: https://www.

[gallery] ckburch: With Elysium coming out in just a couple of days, getting your sci-fi fix is getting easier and easier. Need something to read while waiting in the theater? Check out Equinox I: Between Gods and Monsters! It’s sci-fi in the tradition of Star Trek and Prometheus, wild space opera …

Cyberscare: Ex-NSA chief …

Cyberscare: Ex-NSA chief calls transparency groups, hackers next terroristsMichael Hayden equates potential angry reactions to Snowden indictments to al-Qaida operations Where before we could idly speculate that there were a few ignorant people in our government, in the upper echelon of control and … Eventually I’d cobbled together my own Frankenstein’s monster of a belief system, which I still ostentatiously refer to as my Philosophy of Art and Craft. Be warned! The way I am using “art” and “craft” (much less “philosophy”) here …

Torment Devs On Progress, …

Torment Devs On Progress, Death, Putting Story First | Rock, Paper, ShotgunThere is a new Torment game in development. In the year 2013. Isn’t that mad? My heart does a kind of fluttery thing every time I think about it – like Sweet, juicy, interviews. - The … - The Weblog Developers cloning game ideas? Blame it on communicationYou see this everywhere, not just in the indie games space.

[gallery] Shooting rocks because reasons.