
[gallery] I’ve successfully completed my LD48 #27 entry. If you’re interested in checking it out (I think it’s pretty cool) you can find it at the Ludum Dare Site I need to remember next time I do a compo like this that you really can’t take time to work on subtle stuff. You …


Stroke Economy

Stroke EconomyInstant-buy. @ctrlpaint

A few good charts showing …

A few good charts showing why website design mattersAnother example of the need for a definitive visual display methodology for tiered information structures. (aka websites.)

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[gallery] MEGA FRIENDSHIP BATTLE ELEVATOR About 50% done. Going to sleep.

(Source: https://www.

Goldman Sachs ponies up …

Goldman Sachs ponies up $40M to fund SugarCRMNew investment from Goldman Sachs doubles funding for SugarCRM; Maybe someone should tell investors that open-source software is free. I’m really glad Sugar is getting a nudge.

Hype 2

Hype 2Hype 2.0 - Neat. Get Hype 2 on the Mac App Store. See screenshots and ratings, and read customer reviews.

[gallery] You play “The Kid.” The Kid has issues. You will be unhappy. Everyone dies.

[gallery] My Ludum Dare 27 Entry. Starting at the beginning because when you’re working on such a tight schedule why not do things the old fashion way. If I make it this game will definitely lack punctuation. The theme is “10 Seconds.”

Creating Your Habit …

Creating Your Habit Environment : zenhabitsAnother cherry encapsulation of the simplest of ideas that improve quality of life exponentially.

Writing code this morning I pulled issue #34 out of bitbucket and cracked open XCode. Yesterday I pushed a huge release to the excellent and well-dressed beta team for Mood Board which leaves me with very few cases before (what I had previously deemed would be the minimum viable product) is …

Conspiracy to commit …

Conspiracy to commit journalism » PressthinkUntangling the feelings and facts about this new world we’ve allowed ourselves to be a part of is difficult. Because I can empathize with the people that we begged to protect us after 9/11 I can absolutely understand the path we took to get this far in …

[gallery] SQUEE!! Gridus featured on OTW! onethingwell: Gridus is an easy-to-use utility that allows the user to create perspective grids and export them into your drawing application of choice. App Store

Twitch Confirmed for …

Twitch Confirmed for PlayStation 4 - The Official Twitch BlogToday we’re proud to announce that Twitch will indeed be available on the PlayStation 4. This is absolutely great news.

Microsoft unveils ID@Xbox …

Microsoft unveils ID@Xbox program to lure indie developers to Xbox OneAfter unveiling its plans to support self-published games on Xbox One, Microsoft is detailing some of its additional efforts to support indie developers today. As Sony continues to woo indie… After looking at the launch titles …

School Has Become Too …

School Has Become Too Hostile to Boys | TIME.comAnd efforts to re-engineer the young-male imagination are doomed to fail I am really just looking for a reason to start home-schooling my kids.