
[gallery] NEXT TESTAMENT: AN APPRECIATION I didn’t even know this was a thing until 5 minutes ago and now all I can think about is getting in the truck and going to Capitol Comics! Gah for lack of cash…

[gallery] Brumhilde 09

[gallery] Brumhilde 08

donotcryout: Also I can buy huge bags of candy and everyone will think it’s for handing out to kids trick-or-treating but it isn’t Amen.

[gallery] Brumhilde 07

[gallery] Brumhilde 06

[gallery] Fried pickles. Delicious but binding.

[gallery] Check out this amazing chain-mail jewelry made by my pal Jenn.

[gallery] robuuuu: Attraction Some simple experiments using a rudimentary physics implementation with (invisible) attractors. The base color is randomly selected and the palette is generated using a Gaussian curve.

[gallery] Brumhilde 05

[gallery] Brumhilde 04

[gallery] Heart-shaped leaf.

Cabel Sasser at XOXO (Source: https://www.

caramelzappa replied to your post: Tumblr specifically doesn’t want comments or easy communication. They tell people to just use im or email because they “don’t want to be that kind of service” Like I said, for shame. :)

That tumblr still hasn’t implemented regular comment-threading on post notes is what’s shameful. Tublme is an “okay” app right now. It looks a lot better than it runs. What you normally want from a desktop app that fronts a web service like Tumblr is a lot of bean-counting. I …

[gallery] Uh-huh. I see you GoogleTalkPlugin.

Trying out Tublme for the Mac (Tumblr client for your OSX desktop.) So far it’s missing keyboard navigation for posts and it pukes way too many notifications.

seanbonner: This was the video I meant to post yesterday by @ian_mcfarland (Source: https://www.