
[gallery] A little code sample for auto-tiling bit-shifted sprites to make repeating tiles less boring.

[gallery] Bedlam now supports auto-tiling texture projection painting! Load up a chunk of the world data and switch to the paint tool; click away! It just figures out what shapes need to go where so it feels very natural when you’re plopping down clumps of grass and hunks of rock. Very cool …

Slings and arrows, or: …

Slings and arrows, or: Why I’m engaging with a troll€œTo be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end the… Russ Pitts ladies and gentleman.

Wot I Think: Tower Of …

Wot I Think: Tower Of Guns | Rock, Paper, ShotgunTower Of Guns takes place in a tower containing all of the guns you could ever hope to see. Unfortunately, many of those guns are attached to murderbots

[gallery] In a surprising turn of events we decided to start streaming data from the Enki server into our chunk renderer. The result is above which, I realize looks an awful lot like the earlier mesh data, but I can assure you it’s not. Pretty soon we’re going to be working on data …

[gallery] Works on PC. Can you tell?

[gallery] Totally not chicken wings.

[gallery] Geoff made a really good point. Requiring the user to keep clicking to cycle through tile art is dumb. I knew I could do better so I sat down this morning and crafted the new “Chooser” palette. Once you’ve assigned a tile set to a layer, whenever you have the paint tool …

[gallery] As a kind of testament to the amount of code we just wrote; this most recent screenshot demonstrates our editors new ability to modify the tile maps we’re creating. Right now we’re brute forcing the placement of tiles but in the future we plan on having some moderate heuristics …

[gallery] Updates for the game building tools (for Bedlam) Layer Selection Interface Ability to hide layers Example Chunk browser UI Ability to automatically track whatever layer you are on and only show you data relevant to that layer. Added ability to reorganize layers. Added ability to remove …

[gallery] Added tools to control visibility of the texture builder. Also mapping to the terrains we’re generating.

[gallery] Woot. Level up!

[gallery] Work on Bedlam continues. While this example doesn’t look like much it is the result of about 20 hours of planning and design. You’ll see more of this type of thing in the next few days.

See Article Here regarding Dean Hall leaving Bohemia for new stuff. Last week we saw Ken Levine leave the studio that 2k had built around him. We’re also hearing that Kojima wants to move on from Metal Gear. If you take a wide enough view, you can totally tell, there’s something big …

[gallery] I am totally switching everything to Linode. This was from the link on their main website.

[gallery] I realize I might be stealing a little of Rob’s thunder on this but we worked our asses off last night and got the new meshing class finished that produces valid quad meshes using a pyramid triangulation pattern. This gives us really smooth output from distances but maintains the …

[gallery] Not moms but it’ll have to do.

[gallery] Banished: The Hippy Commune