
Mood Board Gets Clippy - …

Mood Board Gets Clippy - URBANFORT Corp. Independent Software DevelopmentI’ve posted an update with a sneaky peek of a new feature brewing at the fort for Mood Board. Check it out at the link above!

Adding syntax …

Adding syntax highlighting into Tumblrsnippets-of-code: After much googling around, I found two popular ways to add syntax highlighting into Tumblr: Alex Gorbachev’s Syntax Highlighter Google’s Prettify I tried the Syntax Highlighter at first and spent a really long time trying to get it to work. …

Conditional migrations in …

I’m running SequelizeJS as my ORM for Enki. Recently I wanted to add a location field to tasks so users could “geolocate” the work items they were adding in world space. Click on a task and Sextant will zoom you to that point on the map where the work needs to be done. All you need …

[gallery] Mood Board Update I just spent the weekend working on nothing but Mood Board. It’s an application that helps you quickly put together concept documentation for creative projects like jewelry, paintings, illustration, concept art, weddings and pretty much any kind of project where …

.. just leave this here.. (Source: https://www.

Jesus H… That music. (Source: https://www.

Dev Blog #3: Stats

Dev Blog #3: Statsnerdkingdomofficial: Hello everyone! Introduction! Yay! Alright, for all of you who have no idea who I am, my name is Artie (onemanparty). I have a B.S. in Mathematics applied to Economics and joined Nerd Kingdom at its inception as a research assistant for data analysis. I am now …

Working with Asynchronous …

We’re building a fairly large framework of components for our new game Bedlam. As part of these web services contracts we need to be able to very rapidly fire off commands to the server to persist data, fetch status updates for user collision detection and a bunch of other stuff. We are using …

[gallery] Bedlam Update 20140311a More landscape exploration. It’s amazing how quickly I can put to use all the preamble work I did over the summer with perlin generation. I played around with box noise (diamond maps) but honestly the results just weren’t that spectacularly different …

Ck Burch - Online

Ck Burch - Onlineckburch: The online home of CK Burch, independent author and editor and lover of internet things. Fiction and fact held within. Guess what? I’ve launched my very website yesterday. While there is still a bit of rearranging to do, you’ll find news, books, and contact info. Come have …

Tower of Guns - Overview …

Tower of Guns - Overview videoTower of Guns is a strong contender for Polygon’s “Most Literal Game Title of 2014” award.

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the …

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch has sold over 1.1M - DestructoidThis is such a great game if you have a PS3. I absolutely love the way they reworked the combat system to be a mix of turn-based random encounters and real-time button-mashing. The story is engaging (although I wish that they’d …

Introducing Bedlam...
Introducing Bedlam...

Introducing Bedlam…mutinygames: Well, here we are, gearing up for a new project at Mutiny… and we’re really excited to start talking about this one. Our resident strategy RPG enthusiasts, Geoff and Rob have been hoping to do a title like this for a while now. We’re excited to announce that …

[gallery] Bedlam Update 2014030902 I’ve reduced the workflow in Enki to taking raw images as input for the various height-maps and other informative structures required for initializing a world build. This made a lot more sense than trying to constantly generate procedural content at the …

Bedlam Update 20140309

You can now paint textures and have them persisted in the database! A button on the main gui “Test Function” allows you to push your texture changes for the currently visible chunk up to the server. This sort of manual thing is not at all what I’m hoping to implement but there are …

[gallery] loserslurgy: 101 dalmatians {scenery}


I updated the Bitfune tile generation page slash write-up. You can now hit “Play” to configure the calculator to show you all possible values of tile combinations while you relax in your own home. Clicking on the center (total) display brings up a prompt so you can enter whatever number …
