
[gallery] ryanseacrest: TUMBLE TO UNLOCK: Big Little Lions’ “Here And Now” The song will unlock once this post earns 100 Tumbles/100 Followers! 10 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT THE BAND 1. Helen used to be a stand up comedian and has toured with Eddie Izzard. 2. Paul’s great aunt was a country singer …

[gallery] So. Metal.

[gallery] warrenellis: Announced today: my novel GUN MACHINE is being developed as a tv serial for Microsoft Xbox Originals. Hells Yeah! Can’t wait!!

[gallery] mutinygames turned 2 today!

[gallery] Chupacabra is an exploration game. I made it in 48 hours! Here’s a link to the Ludum Dare Submission

Get Help with Creating …

Get Help with Creating Great Mood Boards - URBANFORT Corp. Independent Software DevelopmentI added a new thing to the UF website this morning for Mood Board. Go Check it out!

Outcast Reboot HD headed …

Outcast Reboot HD headed to Kickstarter this weekOutcast is coming back, with a team of the cult favourite’s original developers at Fresh3D working on an HD reboot. A Kickstarter to fund Outcast Reboot HD will launch at 5:00PM CET today. The team at Fresh3D acquired the rights to Outcast from Atar… …

A Failure to Communicate …

A Failure to Communicate with SceneKit - URBANFORT Corp. Independent Software DevelopmentI’m kind of bummed that so much research time went into invalidating SceneKit as a viable option for a desktop application but there you have it. TLDR; if you’re thinking of using SceneKit for anything robust or …

[gallery] More fun with SceneKit!

[gallery] thepixelgeisha: Indie or hobbyist, if you’re a game developer with a Tumblr blog dedicated to your process and progress, reblog this! You will be added to The Game Developer Network. You can read about the network here. If you have a Twitter you’d like linked, please include that in your …

Announcing The Wil …

wilwheaton: Announcing The Wil Wheaton Project About a year ago, I had a meeting with a production company, who wanted me to host a show for them. The concept was simple, I thought it had the potential to be incredibly funny, and I really liked the people I met with. “I can’t just be a host, …

lol @tumblrpro

[gallery] And Badoosh! Mood Board 1.2 goes to the App Store for Approval! Here’s a link to the product page official And here’s a hit-list of the awesome stuff I just built for you that’s coming later this week: (Fixed) There was a layer sorting issue that I wasn’t aware of …

a bird


caramelzappa: We have a decent amount of space-horror but we need more sea-horror. I think that’s one of the reasons I liked Bioshock so much, it’s almost kind of sea-horror. Jungle-Horror would also be most excellent.

New Blog Post: locations …

New Blog Post: locations and updatesseanbonner: Just a quite update to note that I’ve been writing more in my email newsletter than on this blog recently, and enjoying it quite bit even though it’s gotten me in some trouble from time to time. If you want to get those emails you can sign up here. …

[gallery] I don’t even want to life in this world anymore time.

[gallery] seanbonner: maxcapacity: at least my dashboard is glitching I haven’t gotten this upgrade yet. shit. My god it’s full of stars!