
[gallery] Generative Art in Processing: Life (Set 1)

Automating Ext Model …

In one of the applications I’m building I’m using Node.js, Express, Sequelize and Ext. All are fantastic tools but not necessarily meant to work together in perfect harmony (specifically Sequelize and Ext.) Because I’m lazy I wanted my Node.js application to provide some standard … Indie … Indie Business Development: Finding Funding (Incubators and Grants)Fun-Fun-Funding!

ZeniMax sues Oculus VR …

ZeniMax sues Oculus VR for misappropriation of trade secretsSo this is kind of awesome. Instead of focusing on making awesome VR tools Oculus can spend their days dealing with lawyers. We get less progress in VR and Zenimax (who probably won’t ever do anything positive for VR again) will eventually …


Project Idea: Spigot

I have a huge project that I’m working on that involves a bunch of different folders and files nested in hierarchies of all sorts. It would be great if I could pull the spotlight comments from folders (which usually describe a set of tags related to the functions defined in the code enclosed …

What’s the one thing …

What’s the one thing Oculus Rift’s creator feels can kill off VR?Another thing that could kill off VR? Me not getting my Dev Kit soon.

Lifecasting via @chinbeard (Source: https://www.

[gallery] Relevant.

[gallery] This is going to be huge kids.

[gallery] All zippers repaired. Thanks @booquk

robuuuu: A live demo of Super Polygonal Selfie. I think I’m going to go for an App Store submission next week. Also, pardon the plain background; I’m holed up in a co-working space in Kobe at the moment, so the atmosphere is a bit…office-y. (Source: http://robuuuu.

Ulysses III 1.2

Ulysses III 1.2The fact that there are people out there that are still able to charge a decent dollar amount for awesome software makes me very happy.

[gallery] A while back I was fortunate enough to get a really awesome laptop bag from Booq. This has been my primary bag for at least four years and it has pretty much been the perfect bag for me. I use it as a regular backpack when I’m riding my bike into the fort and the top handle makes it …

[gallery] robuuuu: Sample pictures from my new project, codename “Super Polygonal Selfie”. It is built with openFrameworks, and uses openCV for contour detection. The contours are then downsampled and drawn as polygons with the average color of all pixels inside the shape, on top of a Canny edge …

[gallery] tat2jenn:

Those of you asking how Illustrator is broken, see: (Source: https://www.

This hilarious graph of …

This hilarious graph of Netflix speeds shows the importance of net neutralityWay to go Cox and Cablevision though.