
[gallery] Professionalism. The professionalist.

[gallery] The camp @ Jordan lake.

[gallery] robuuuu: @tingham @ArtofMob @Hubbyboogie Glad someone’s enjoying my app! I just submitted an update that includes captions.

Mayonnaise is basically food lubricant.

BIRDMAN (Source: https://www.

[gallery] thegirlwiththelittlecurl: wip

[gallery] robuuuu: So, I just finished up captions for Polyfy; I should be submitting an update sometime in the next week! Which reminds me, I don’t think I actually announced that the app was available yet. You can download it on iTunes right now! There is a bug on iPhone 4S and prior (exit button …

[gallery] dekogame: Couple more mobs.

Design Your Own UI

Design Your Own UII feel like someone just showed me that you can dual boot your mac to run Windows in a split screen or something.

Polycount Forum - View …

Polycount Forum - View Single Post - What Are You Working On? 2014 EditionPerfectly prickly ponderously painted rocks.

[gallery] Dinner. Homemade hush puppies.

AVERAGE(FILTER(B0:B30, B0:B30 > 0)) Is my “New Jam.”

Polycount Forum - View …

Polycount Forum - View Single Post - What Are You Working On? 2014 EditionEpic cartoon tank action.

I for one welcome our H+ overlords. (Source: https://www.

Jonathan Blow, creator of …

Jonathan Blow, creator of quintessential indie game Braid, disowns indie sceneFile this one under the continued diaspora of the indie games scene. Jonathan Blow—star of Indie Game: The Movie and creator of Braid, the standout existential platformer that in many ways exemplifies your …

[gallery] Taken with Polyfy robuuuu

Verizon slams Netflix 'PR …

Verizon slams Netflix ‘PR stunt’ that blamed ISPs for bad streaming qualityI approve of this strategy. I think all content providers should do exactly this. Super … Super Galaxy Squadron is a modern SHMUP that’s heavy on the retroYou know we sell a SHMUP too right?