
Valve to unveil Khronos’ …

Valve to unveil Khronos’ glNext at GDC next monthThe next iteration of the popular graphics API, OpenGL, will be on hand at next month’s GDC, and Valve will be involved. The event page for the upcoming Game Developers Conference has been updated with a session hosted by multiple high-profile indus…

[gallery] seanbonner: How can you really put a number on something like this?

Worklog Update 2/2

A great deal of fighting with the build system over the past two days. I even opened a bug report: UE4 4.6.1 Crash when opening project At the risk of making puns out of it being Groundhog day, I fixed another bug in blueprint construction. Actionable base class items and their derivatives no longer …

Worklog Update 2/1
Worklog Update 2/1

Inspired by my good friend blankslatejoe I’ve decided to start keep-up of a devlog for the stuff I’m doing on a semi-daily, mostly-during the week, at-nighttime when I have the energy. Today’s worklog: Completely reworked the aim assist for targeting points of interest (and …

(Source: https://www.

[gallery] Saturday means carbs are okay day.

In an amazing turn of events I got an especially fantastic email yesterday. After almost two years in the queue, Tug: A Space Truckers Odyssey has finally been Greenlit!! Link to Steam Greenlight Page for TUG: A Space Trucker’s Odyssey We’ll be updating the Mutiny blog with more …

Hello tingham! I'm slowly …

It is not a one-shot process. You could set up a tumblr account for your game and start following the heck out of other indie developers. While you’re building up a list of folks that you follow, be constantly posting news and screenshots and links to materials about your upcoming game. …



Neil DeGrasse Tyson is …

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is getting a late night National Geographic talk showNeil DeGrasse Tyson’s foray into television with the reboot of Cosmos last year has led to another show about science. Today the National Geographic Channel said that it’s tapping Tyson for what…

New Blog Post: Put on …

New Blog Post: Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting othersseanbonner: Growing up in a fairly religious family the notion that you should always consider other people before yourself was pretty well hammered into me. Of course we all know what most religious people say and what they do are …

[gallery] Provided without comment.

Mood Board 1.3 Released

Mood Board 1.3 ReleasedI’ve released version 1.3 of Mood Board via the Mac App Store. Go Buy a Copy

Something amazing happens and we all stand and stare, helpless children in front of waves of what might have been once. Now we try to make it fit into the square holes of life like its obvious to everyone that it should be so. But Jimmy keeps on texting and it’s time to go home anyway. So who …

The Only Thing I Have To …

The Only Thing I Have To Say About Gamer Gatethisfeliciaday: I had a day off this weekend from shooting Supernatural, and I was walking around downtown Vancouver on Saturday, sampling all the artisan coffee I could get my throat around. At one point I saw a pair of guys walking towards me wearing …

[gallery] Typical.

The world is better with you in it.