
You like? haha

We all FLOAT down here. 3:>

[gallery] Spent tonight working on a painting derived from a drawing done during Figure Study at ArtSpace Raleigh last month. I’m pleased with how it turned out. Still just really scratching the surface of both getting back into the figure; as well as Sketchbook Pro (which is a great little …

[gallery] Update from the UStream.

Finally! Ready to draw. …

I’m gonna livestream, no idea if it will be interesting or not. Check the feed at the page Be sure to say harrow.

Holy shit these little gator flossing tool things are absolutely lethal.

Multiple generations of nerds are in the workforce now, so your preconceived notions of nerdery are not as useful as you thought. Discard the nerd extremes: the curmudgeonly pocket protector set is retiring or retired and there’s a good chance that the slick brown-haired guy sitting across the bar …

Tumblr Search Busted?

Anyone else having issues getting stored tag searches to work?

[gallery] Best of the night, also the final long pose.


[gallery] Using the laptop and the WACOM tablet at Figure Drawing last night. I’m not sure at all about whether it works in that realtime kind of environment, but as the night wore on I could feel my hand starting to realize it was just another substrate. One big difference is that you have to …

[gallery] Brothers Quay are my all time fav.



[gallery] Love-it.

[gallery] heykillah: If you’d like a custom plush toy or any art you can contact heykila through

[gallery] Working on the laptop getting the WACOM set up for figure drawing tomorrow night. Really excited to see how the tablet/computer with Sketchbook Pro works out during the gesture studies. They are 30 seconds a piece for 20 minutes straight, going to be frantic!

[gallery] Dave in repose. Probably one of the best from my recent outings to figure study.


Tony: shit is so much easier when there is a list Thomas Ingham: yup Thomas Ingham: And almonds Thomas Ingham: Almonds make everything 200% easier.


400 horsepower of maximum performance. Piercing the night. This. Is Black. Sunshine.