
[gallery] Tiramisu (Taken with Instagram at Biaggis Italian Resturant)

[gallery] Girl (Taken with Instagram at Biaggis Italian Resturant)

[gallery] Bookers. Ice. Yum. (Taken with Instagram at Biaggis Italian Resturant)

[gallery] Fat Ass (Taken with Instagram at Chatham Hill Winery)

[gallery] WINE (Taken with Instagram at Chatham Hill Winery)

[gallery] Rave Cat, via @mombert


Sketching in Sketchbook Pro or Coding in XCode?

[gallery] Mr. Fucking playful all the sudden. (Taken with instagram)

Tumblr is better than television. If slightly less reliable.

[gallery] Working on process a bit more so this one will hopefully come out a bit more finished than the first. Running the live stream tonight was kind of funny; I got audio working and opened the chat room. Some guy named Ben2015 came by and wanted me to paint him a picture of the lioness from the …


When I’m drawing. I absolutely must have my shoes on.

Broadcast in 3 Minutes

I’ll be painting again from a figure drawing sketch, realtime on UStream.

[gallery] WHEEEE!!

[gallery] nearly there… (the evil flashing colonel is nearly gone..)

@snaggletoothbaby I will be so glad when the Colonel is below the fold.

Live Stream Update

Have an illustration I have to finish in modo - then livecast. Probably ~10pm est.

Streaming Painting

Will be doing another streaming live painting session tonight. No idea what time just yet; likely earlier than last evening so’s I can get my beauty sleep. Stand by.

William Wilkinson: My Stupid Gun App
William Wilkinson: My …

William Wilkinson: My Stupid Gun Appwillw: February 3rd 2009 I had a dumb idea. This happens a lot, but this time it seemed too easy to ignore. A Russian Roulette simulator for the iPhone, load the bullets, spin the barrel. In about two hours I cutout a $6 stock photo of a revolver, spent $3 at …