
[gallery] Mombert. #barkie (Taken with instagram)

[gallery] Happy Days.

[gallery] Myself. 36yr. gpoy for posterity

[gallery] Birthday breakfast (Taken with instagram)

Live Painting On USTREAM

I’ll be sharing my screen as I do some painting this evening. Please do join me if you’re so inclined. Starting in 5 minutes or so.

tumblr_lgd0592xQk1qcbuub Timelessness Re: “Dark night of the soul”

Painting Videos are Up

I recorded a couple of the previous live sessions for posterity. While it is incredibly unlikely that anyone will garner a great deal of enjoyment from watching them; they are none-the-less available for viewing at this location. I really need to figure out a way to make these live sessions more …

[gallery] “Matterhorn 1”

Woohoo! Midnight!

Painting live on UStream

[gallery] not making this up


So I decided to skip figure drawing tonight so that I could stay here and try to finish up the Elementus demo with the team for the Kongregate contest. Totally wishing I’d gone right now, starved for it. Remind me next time.

Doesn't Shilling for …

Defeat the entire purpose of the recommendations system? I’m basically just auto-unfollowing anyone on Tumblr asking for recommends at this point. I’m happy to recommend decent blogs but honestly most of the folks asking today seem to be those that habitually reblog stuff. So, see-ya/

Reloading Sproutcore Apps

Working on some Sproutcore. Here’s an applescript I wrote that will allow BBEdit (specifically) to reload a tab in safari that is ostensibly the one you’re viewing your application in (locally) when you hit a key sequence. Remember in order to assign a key sequence to a script in BBEdit …

Gotta get fired-up!

Got to make a dent and get it right.

[gallery] Red sky (Taken with Instagram at Kroger)

[gallery] going to pretend to sleep now.



It is 6am and I’m writing code.