
Cheap Canvas Prints …

Cheap Canvas Prints Coupon

out here in the low light we press ourselves against the glass like dogs waiting in an hourglass of back porches and fencelines forever we wag and huff our tongues agog the light continues to fade sunset comes in a hush and whistle canine claws on linoleum, marbles still pressing gently, gently …


What to draw?


[gallery] Real Men Know Where the Sweetbreads lay (Taken with instagram)

Van Morrison “Astral Weeks” top 5 sunday albums EVER.

Woohoo, two likes a on photo. I feel so popular. :)

[gallery] The playdate (Taken with instagram)

[gallery] Hey everyone - the game that I’ve been working on part time for the last six months is up on Kongregate. Go Play! Please register and rate the game. Elementus

[gallery] From yesterday’s long-study.

I should totally be painting right now.

Figure drawing at artspace Raleigh.

Making art live on …

Making art live on USTREAM - Come hang out.

Best Blog Ever

Best Blog Ever

Know anyone using …

If you know someone using Unity3d to make video games; I’ve written an extension available in the asset store that helps in creating scenes full of items. Tell them to go buy it and support independent development. (Or go download Unity Free and buy it yourself.) SceneTools by Urbanfort

[gallery] This is the way shit is supposed to get done on Tumblr.

[gallery] Did you know that the catholic church has taken over for general mills ad department? (Taken with instagram)

Some awesome …

Some awesome illustrations…