
[gallery] I’m a motherfucking comet. It is bourbontime.

[gallery] I’m on MWR in a couple minutes.

[gallery] I’m going to be on Mad World Radio this evening at 10pm EST. Come check out the show.

[gallery] How I spent the birthday money. (Taken with instagram)

[gallery] Another reason I’m grateful for my health insurance. (Taken with instagram)

I think I'm in love with …

I think I’m in love with Mark TennantThanks lokkita

Everyone needs to buy something from: right now.

i put the wrong envelope between the black foam divider in your sliding glass door it is always closed to me that inimitable barrier i had purchased you a new love with the money earned sewing steel and earth i thought you see the envelope contained receipts of color from a wholly different vendor …

[gallery] I missed figure study tonight. Rather than sit idle and hit reload on tumblr a gazillion times; I thought it wise to open Burne Hogarth’s “Dynamic Figure Drawing” and sketch some of the less complicated (read: perspective) poses from the book. Most of the sketches turned …

Which music is better for late-night drawing: Clutch: Robot Exodus, Rachael Yamagata: Elephants?


Tony: funny how cleaning a monitor makes everything seem so much better Me: same with glasses Me: and feet, for some odd reason

[gallery] Red dress. By Jaime Hernandez. (Taken with instagram)


round about way of asking …

I was talking about the other note-er; not you. :)

[gallery] And another one.

[gallery] Taken some time around 1998 by Wade Giddins.

[gallery] How fucking sick am I of trendy infographics?

Mad World Radio

I will be on Mad World Radio Friday night ~10pm EST. Make sure to tune in, the show starts at 9pm and is a fantastic “live podcast.”