
[gallery] carloslet: Linnea Strid

I should write a script that automatically un-follows anyone fishing for a recommendation today.

[gallery] Can’t sleep.


I’m completely burned out, I just plain suck at “art” or I’m just really tired. I can’t draw for shit tonight. I’ve started six different pieces and they all were either boring, or really horribly executed. I quit today. Sorry gc. mebbe next time I need ideas of …

All day on the road.

Was on the road all day, come home to find my dash completely stocked with all kinds of senseless mind-boggery and Tumblr is misbehaving. I need to draw tonight, can’t keep putting this off. le sigh.



I keep thinking there's gotta be some way to say something that you'd hear out loud but the nature of transmission is dismissive with too much abuse. Firing salvos of self-hate so the world can see it shine make a clean get-away and forget.

[gallery] Lounge (Taken with instagram)


Looking for a palette cleanser. Anyone got any Dub or Grime (full-albums) to recommend?

Need to open some …

I use Transmission. Works great.

Sleep is fucking boring.


There is a new scratch in the surface of my Wacom tonight. This means that whenever I draw, I get the same jagged little mis-mark whenever the pen hits it. I want to throw the fucking thing in the trash.

[gallery] Italian girl makes meatballs. (Taken with instagram)

Great. Fucking. Blog.

Great. Fucking. Blog.


today in the car coming home a girl in the lane opposite held her phone like the sunbeams coming through the window seemed to become more musk than light padding softly across the keys painted nails swiftly ghosting letters into words the sense of longing thick in the lense of the air as everyone, …

[gallery] eyeswidewonder: Ahmen

Full Moon

Not really feeling the drawing tonight. Did a couple sketches out of hogarth but generally uninspired. Mostly I just want to sit on tumblr hitting apple+r on my dash waiting for something interesting to pop up. Took the bike to the shop today, saw something on the way home gave me an idea for …

Drawing Live on USTREAM

Come chat or just hang out and draw yourself. UStream