
[gallery] nuff said.

[gallery] I’m actually pretty fired up anyway (bo-hunk adds not withstanding.) I’m going to be playing through ME2 again here shortly; in advance of Deus Ex coming in August. Gotta keep the skills sharp.


[gallery] Phil Noto is your supreme overlord.




You know nothing, Jon Snow.


So, you seem like a cute person with some quirky personality traits. But really you’re one of those girls who has figured out how to corner the niche for being a dick. Bye.

[gallery] Chipotle (Taken with instagram)

One of these days I’m going to start talking to everyone like complete shit and profess how much I hate attention. (To see how much attention I get.)

[gallery] Someone set GiantBomb up the Bomb.

[gallery] El Snoochie Boochums in Downtown Raleigh.

‘Imagine Joe McCarthy …

‘Imagine Joe McCarthy Dragging Cabinet Members Into Hearings and Demanding That They Publicly Disavow the Works of Groucho Marx, and You Get a Rough Idea of the General Style of Bachmannian Politics’(via Instapaper)

[gallery] Happy Taco Thursday!

Coyote Tracks: No one …

Coyote Tracks: No one will ever need more than one mobile devicechipotle: Ben Brooks linked to this Business Insider piece by Jay Yarow claiming that RIM’s PlayBook didn’t ship with native email support “because its architecture can’t support two devices with one person’s account.” What’s not …