| Dec 28, 2015 min read


If I’m being totally honest, I think I made a mistake the other day when I was talking about technique.

At our house we have this thing with the kids where they are generally phrasing requests for friends with e.g. “Me and Will are gonna…” and we politely tell them that “Me and Will can’t do anything…” – they usually go on to correct themselves.

We don’t do this because we’re strict on grammar, although that is a large part of the reason, rather we want them to be mindful of their words and to be as deliberate as possible when choosing them.

This word, deliberate, is the part that I was wrong about. I had said that my preference for drawing style was to make marks as if I was using charcoal. Some medium where random mistakes can quickly be incorporated into the drawing. What I realized just now is that my preference for doing this is just plain laziness.

It is not, however, me being lazy physically and not wanting to do the work but rather that my brain is lazy and wants to rely on these random factors to make something. The experience of refining these sketches and using parallel lines to create my form are showing me that being deliberate in your drawing is super-important. (Notice all the smudge marks?)

I’m doing a #tinychallenges in December. You can too!