| May 17, 2013 min read


Hello new Followers!

I wanted to take a moment and tell you all how humbled I am that you’d think my work even remotely interesting enough that you’d want it on your dashboard. Thank you!

If you aren’t already aware, I am a member of Mutiny, LLC. We make games and software for all platforms. Recently, we’ve released our first game project TUG: A Space Trucker’s Odyssey for sale in both the Mac App Store as well as through the PC game distribution platform Desura.

We are a fledgling, independently published game development company. We work on our products after normal business hours and on weekends while we work various regular jobs to pay the rent. I would be honored if you could take a moment to look over our stuff, and possibly let me know what you think.

Wishing each and every one of you all the best. Thanks again.