| Jun 9, 2013 min read



With great pride, I get to introduce the cover to my next novel: Equinox I: Between Gods and Monsters, illustrated by Casey Burch.

If those two figures on the cover look familiar — the characters being Captain Brynn Herris and Falcon Lieutenant James Rand — there’s a reason for that. The models for the characters were Katie West and Jack Scoresby, respectively, and I couldn’t be happier that they agreed to be a part of this. I knew that I wanted them to model for the cover, but I never dreamed that their photos would end up looking as good as they did, nor that the cover itself would end up looking as gorgeous as this. That I have such a quality artist onboard is welcome, but to have two of my favorite artists — no, people — on the cover of my book is a dream fucking come true.

Between Gods and Monsters is coming out on June 24th for Kindle and e-readers. Hope to see you all when it’s out.